Tina's Miscellany

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Source of Evil in the Modern World

Forget Dick Cheney, religious extremism, Republicans, Democrats, Communists, environmentalist whackos, money or whatever floats your boat to blame for all wrongdoing and doers.

It's me.

I am It. She who brings all darkness and pain to the universe. The worst mother in all the land, probably in all of history.

My adorable sweet innocent 2 year old baby boy and I were rough-housing last night as we often do and I lifted him up by his arms behind my back, as we often do. He loved it, ran around to be lifted again and blammo. I dislocated his shoulder and/or his elbow. 2 hours in the emergency room. He's such a sweetie, forgave me and everything. Poor little boy.

Begin Anti Spousal Rant

And Mr. Supportive, as my friend L. so aptly named him, spends most of the time I'm trying to get DS calmed down raging at me that this is all my fault because I'm fat. There's just no other way to put this: Ladies and Gentlemen of the Blogosphere, my husband is a jackass. Of course I'm fat, I have food issues and eat unconsciously and all sorts of stuff. I use food to stuff my emtions down so I don't have to feel them. Classic stuff. That doesn't actually make me evil. Hurting the baby, that made me evil.

End Anti Spousal Rant.

I'll get over the guilt though, especially as I see that the Wee One is ok. And he is ok. He's just fine, in fact. His arm's sore, but that's to be expected. He'll be right as rain by the end of the weekend and probably begging me to flip him over my shoulder again. (Yeah, right, like that's gonna happen!)