Tina's Miscellany

Monday, February 27, 2006


So I'm staying with my good friend (GF). DS is having a blast playing with her kids. It's all good.

Go to another friend's (P) for the day because GF and her hubby are gone for the day. P and I hit the mall, get some more clothes for DS. She feeds me tomato soup (glorious it was) and a beautiful salad and then sends me and DS to a very nice nap. I feel much better. Sleep really does knit up the raveled sleeve of care.

Go to my aunt's house for a party for my cousin's new baby. Very nice. Stay the night at Aunt's.

Go back to GFs on Sunday afternoon. DS continues having a blast playing with her kids. She's very good about listening to me while I process my emotions and learn stuff about mine and Mr. S's relationship.

In the afternoon I call my mother-in-law (MIL) so that she can give me pointers on a happy marriage. This makes everyone on my side of the family laugh as both of MIL's sons' marriages are on the rocks. Anyway, I'm willing to grasp at any grain of truth that I can find at this point. MIL's pearls of wisdom:

  • Mr. Supportive cannot handle any stress.
  • I should do more housework.
Neither of these statements is false. To say that Mr. S cannot handle stress is a bit like saying that Hurricane Katrina sprinkled a wee bit of rain in New Orleans. MIL points out that Mr S thinks that he "has to do it all." I've heard him say this many times. My mother points out, especially about housework, that, whenever I do housework, Mr. S tells me stop it, because I don't do it right. Remember the cat litter thing? True, true, true. He's a perfectionist and I'm a lazy opportunist that hates doing housework anyway; and am perfectly willing to allow him to pile all of this stress onto himself, even though I think it's dumb. (Fine, it's gotta be perfect, you do it yourself.) Ok, I admit it, not fair. In fact, kinda crappy. This is not an excuse, but I'm still really pissed that he and I had a deal about after DS was born that we'd have a cleaning service so that I can play with DS instead of scrubbing toilets. Mr. S changed the deal without telling me and that's really got me angry. Not a good dynamic. But I understand it a lot better now. Hopefully that'll help me figure out a solution.