From what I can tell, DS and I have moved back home with Mr S.
Mr S's doctor confirms the existence of a small ("incidental") cyst in his brain, but it's apparently too small to be causing the problems that he's having. She gave him two muscle relaxants for the headache pain. This confirms my theory that all medical doctors are idiots. I have only met one who wasn't, and he was a chiropractor. Stick with nurse-practioners, people, you'll be much better off.
I digress.
Mr S and I have had some really good, really difficult conversations. We've cleared the air some, laid groundwork for continuing to improve our relationship in the future, and made some tentative agreements about sharing the workload around the house a little more equitably.
I made dinner last night from Rachel Ray's book 365 No Repeats. Pretty good stuff.
Positive Sign of Progress: Mr S called me from work last night as he was running late and we negotiated, like a couple of adults, about when he would come home and eat dinner. Amazing how that works, huh? We'll have to see if we can both keep it up.
Now all I have to do is find a babysitter for this Saturday morning so we can have therapy.
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