Tina's Miscellany

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Therapy Last Night Did NOT Go Well

Mr S is very, very, very angry and has moved away from the space wherein he understood, or at least modified his behavior in response to, my fears about his anger. Now, if I take the Monster-in-Law's advice, I have to ignore about 85% of what he said last night because it was said during that rage. In that case, all we pretty much said was hello and our next appointment will be in a week.

If not, he wants us to move home before he will continue with too many more therapy sessions. He doesn't feel that he can express himself (he described it as dramatically) in our sessions because of my reactions. He's angry with me about so many things that he can't even figure out where to begin. He's angry because he's not seeing DS enough. He does appreciate being alone. Likes seeing DS but not me. (Dude, we're a package deal, get over it.)

I asked him to explain why he wants me to move home if he doesn't like me. No good answer. I want to know what will change once I move home to make sure that my feelings are respected. I guess I'll save that question for our next session.