Random Note
When the Sherriff served the papers on Mr S on Monday morning, he packed up a couple of things and went to the house we used to live in where Mr S's brother lives. Mr S's parents own the house. Dorkus, the brother, is living there now. Anyway. After the deputy called and left me a message that Mr S had been served, and I could return to the house, I called the sherriff back and said, no, that's not right, Mr S does NOT have to leave the house because I did. So, the deputy calls Mr S back and tells him, sorry, we screwed up and you can go home.
In the mean time, Mr S goes to the house his parents own where Dorkus is staying. I call Dorkus on Monday morning, saying please call Mr S and tell him that he can indeed go home. Dorkus calls the Mother In Law instead. He told me that she said that Mr S is not allowed to stay there.
I'm floored. That can't be right. What mother would put her son out of her house when he needs her help?
I called them. It IS right. She doesn't want him living there because, while we were living there, we didn't take such immaculate care of the place, and now that it's being renovated for sale, he can't go back because it might get messed up again.
The woman's a beast. Should have been sterilized at birth. Hasn't a maternal bone in her entire body. Do you people wonder why my husband's so freaking messed up?!?! This monster raised him. She's been rechristened to Monster In Law for the purposes of this blog.
I can understand being concerned that the house might get messed up, but for crying out loud, woman, this is your son! Isn't he more important than some stupid carpet?
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